Partner Organizations
We're always interested in working with new universities and partners. Contact us to join the CRECER family.

Some students are able to spend time with one of our partner organizations, Prótesis Imbabura, that custom builds adaptive positioning systems using cardboard.
Interested in partnering with us? We want to hear from you:

Lenoire-Rhyne University students visiting Mitad del Mundo, a monument dedicated to the scientific team measuring the circumference of the world at the equator, as part of their Level I fieldwork experience.
Allegany College of Maryland (OTA)
Alvernia University (MOT)
Chatham University (MOT) (DPT)
The Community College of Baltimore County (OTA)
Creighton University (OTD)
Dominican University of California (MOT)
Florida Gulf Coast University (MOT)
Gannon University, Florida (OTD)
Gannon University, Pennsylvania (MOT)
Grand Valley State University (MOT)
Idaho State University (MOT)
Ithaca College (MOT)
Lenoir-Rhyne University (MOT)
The Ohio State University (MOT) (OTD)
Pacific University (OTD)
Penn State - Mont Alto (OTA)
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College (OTA)
Rush University (MOT)
Saginaw Valley State University (MOT)
St. Ambrose University (MOT)
Salus University (MOT)
Thomas Jefferson University (MOT) (OTD)
University of Florida (MOT) (OTD)
University of South Maine (MOT)
Winston-Salem State University (MOT)
Asilo Madre Teresa de Marrillac
Centro del Adulto Mayor de Urcuquí
Centro del Adulto Mayor de La Esperanza
Federación Nacional de Ecuatorianos con Discapacidad Física
Fundación Unidos para Nuestros Hijos
GAD de Angochuagua
Municipalidad de Ibarra
Universidad Tecnica del Norte

Chatham University physical therapy students give an in-service to the staff of a senior center.