
In Cooking group and CAFE CRECER, clients work on a continuum of skills from safe use of tools to serving in a modified café setting. Clients enjoy the socialization aspect of making food for their families and eating with each other immediately following preparing the food.

The Basic Art group explores a variety of modalities to give the clients an opportunity to build leisure skills that may be carried out at home. The clients and their mothers
report that the clients enjoy the socialization that coming to CRECER provides.

Our open house expanded into sales in the street. Street vendors are a common occurrence in Ecuador.

The Music and Movement group focuses on balance, direction following, social participation, occupational participation, and leadership skills. Activities have included boxing, meditations and visualizations, guitar lessons, and dancing.

The Ceramics group provides a creative outlet for our clients and occasional income for our clients with the sale of products. We are appreciative of Mindo Maya Chocolates for supporting our clients and buying our products.