Level I Fieldwork Education
CRECER student groups leave with a widely applicable foundation for their studies in occupational therapy, physical therapy, and other healthcare professions, and also get the chance to experience a new culture.
Since 2011, we've helped approximately 500 students meet their program requirements from more than 20 universities, while also giving our students the chance to be immersed in Ecuadorian culture.
While we can only satisfy fieldwork requirements for OTD, MOT and OTA programs, students of physical therapy and other healthcare programs are welcome at CRECER.
Trips are generally overseen by faculty from a partner university who recruit students and provide supervision and feedback while in Ecuador. It is not required to have faculty coordination. We have had wonderful student coordinated groups who have contributed greatly to our programs.
Level I trips are short, 10-15 days divided between cultural immersion and treatment activities.
Think your students are a good fit? We'd love to have you.
How It Works
Most groups spend their first few days traveling and being immersed in Ecuadorian cultural experiences, then arrive in Ibarra to complete their fieldwork in the outpatient clinic and with other local organizations. The clinic is an occupational therapy environment, but students in other healthcare professions are welcome. Trips are overseen by a professor or two and range between 6 and 12 students.

My time at CRECER helped me grow in many ways; it encompassed a variety of the necessary skills a good therapist needs: communication, flexibility, creativity, collaboration, responsibility, and more.

What Would We Do?
A short itinerary could look similar to this.
Thursday: arrive in Quito (airfare is cheaper midweek)
Friday: Tour historic Quito, Mitad del Mundo tour (the equator is about an hour north of Quito), and drive to Mindo
Saturday: Activities in Mindo cloud forest
Sunday: tour of Cuicocha and Cotacachi
Monday – Friday: work at sites as arranged
Saturday - Market at Otavalo, evening departure to airport
Longer trips will have more opportunities to travel beyond Quito and see historic cities, participate in adventure sports, and learn about Ecuadorian culture in-depth.